Green Designs Landscaping prioritizes quality and precision when it comes to you

Save time and have the greenest and most beautiful yard in the neighborhood. Click on the button below and request your free estimate right now.

A well kept yard reflects a well kept company

Our automatic irrigation installation and maintenance services make your yard turn into the most lush of the area, thus positively affecting everyone’s perception of you and your company. Your yard will be the greenest of all!

Check out what we do below

Automatic irrigation installation and maintenance services is done with a high level of precision, since each plant needs the right amount of watering to grow up healthy. Installations are done in strategic places to irrigate the entire area and at the same time to become a spectacle for everyone who’s watching. The system has a humidity sensor to adapt its work depending on the weather.

Be ecologically correct

If your company wants to follow the LEED Certification, we install a rainwater drainage and accumulation system to save and avoid waste, thus putting your irrigation system into the LEED Certification guidelines.

Advanced water-saving system

You need an advanced system that allows you to regulate the irrigation wherever you are and without efforts. By having a weather station, you can easily predict and further improve your water savings.

Our services offer:

Irrigation turn-on and assessments


Seasonal inspections


Upgrades and monitoring

Hire irrigation system professional intallers

Advantages of hiring our services:

Trustworthy Company

We understand that your house is one of your most precious assets. It's where you live with your family, have fun, and recharge your energy. We respect you and your family.


We know how to do what's best for you. There's no such thing as amateurism with us. We know that our services must be done with quality and excellence, and we have plenty of those.


We work with a deadline to finish the job, use the best materials, and seek to meet all your needs. Our commitment is to the truth and we work with honesty.

Transformation Guarantee

We provide a real before and after experience. If you haven't yet felt the power of landscaping, then you need to contact us now.

See what they say about us:

About us

Green Designs Landscaping has many years of experience delivering quality and efficiency to our clients. We’re proud to be one of the best landscaping companies in America and work to keep up with the title: we take care of your house as if it were our own and finish the job delivering not only a well done project, but also a new lifestyle.

Years of Experience
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Requesting a free estimate is quick and easy, fill out the form and we will contact you. If you prefer, call us.